King James VersionLeviticus18


1 And the LORD spake unto Moses, say­ing, 2 Speak unto the chil­dren of Is­rael, and say unto them, I am the LORD your God. 3 Af­ter the do­ings of the land of Egypt, where­in ye dwelt, shall ye not do: and af­ter the do­ings of the land of Canaan, whith­er I bring you, shall ye not do: nei­ther shall ye walk in their or­di­nances. 4 Ye shall do my judg­ments, and keep mine or­di­nances, to walk there­in: I am the LORD your God. 5 Ye shall there­fore keep my statutes, and my judg­ments: which if a man do, he shall live in them: I am the LORD. 6 None of you shall ap­proach to any that is near of kin to him, to un­cov­er their naked­ness: I am the LORD. 7 The naked­ness of thy fa­ther, or the naked­ness of thy moth­er, shalt thou not un­cov­er: she is thy moth­er; thou shalt not un­cov­er her naked­ness. 8 The naked­ness of thy father's wife shalt thou not un­cov­er: it is thy father's naked­ness. 9 The naked­ness of thy sis­ter, the daugh­ter of thy fa­ther, or daugh­ter of thy moth­er, whether she be born at home, or born abroad, even their naked­ness thou shalt not un­cov­er. 10 The naked­ness of thy son's daugh­ter, or of thy daughter's daugh­ter, even their naked­ness thou shalt not un­cov­er: for theirs is thine own naked­ness. 11 The naked­ness of thy father's wife's daugh­ter, be­got­ten of thy fa­ther, she is thy sis­ter, thou shalt not un­cov­er her naked­ness. 12 Thou shalt not un­cov­er the naked­ness of thy father's sis­ter: she is thy father's near kinswom­an. 13 Thou shalt not un­cov­er the naked­ness of thy mother's sis­ter: for she is thy mother's near kinswom­an. 14 Thou shalt not un­cov­er the naked­ness of thy father's broth­er, thou shalt not ap­proach to his wife: she is thine aunt. 15 Thou shalt not un­cov­er the naked­ness of thy daugh­ter in law: she is thy son's wife; thou shalt not un­cov­er her naked­ness. 16 Thou shalt not un­cov­er the naked­ness of thy brother's wife: it is thy brother's naked­ness. 17 Thou shalt not un­cov­er the naked­ness of a wom­an and her daugh­ter, nei­ther shalt thou take her son's daugh­ter, or her daughter's daugh­ter, to un­cov­er her naked­ness; for they are her near kinswom­en: it is wicked­ness. 18 Nei­ther shalt thou take a wife to her sis­ter, to vex her, to un­cov­er her naked­ness, be­side the oth­er in her life time. 19 Also thou shalt not ap­proach unto a wom­an to un­cov­er her naked­ness, as long as she is put apart for her un­clean­ness. 20 More­over thou shalt not lie car­nal­ly with thy neighbour's wife, to de­file thy­self with her. 21 And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, nei­ther shalt thou pro­fane the name of thy God: I am the LORD. 22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with wom­ankind: it is abom­i­na­tion. 23 Nei­ther shalt thou lie with any beast to de­file thy­self there­with: nei­ther shall any wom­an stand be­fore a beast to lie down there­to: it is con­fu­sion. 24 De­file not ye your­selves in any of these things: for in all these the na­tions are de­filed which I cast out be­fore you: 25 And the land is de­filed: there­fore I do vis­it the in­iq­ui­ty there­of upon it, and the land it­self vom­iteth out her in­hab­i­tants. 26 Ye shall there­fore keep my statutes and my judg­ments, and shall not com­mit any of these abom­i­na­tions; neither any of your own na­tion, nor any stranger that so­jour­neth among you: 27 (For all these abom­i­na­tions have the men of the land done, which were be­fore you, and the land is de­filed;) 28 That the land spue not you out al­so, when ye de­file it, as it spued out the na­tions that were be­fore you. 29 For whoso­ev­er shall com­mit any of these abom­i­na­tions, even the souls that com­mit them shall be cut off from among their peo­ple. 30 There­fore shall ye keep mine or­di­nance, that ye com­mit not any one of these abom­inable cus­toms, which were com­mit­ted be­fore you, and that ye de­file not your­selves there­in: I am the LORD your God.