King James VersionEcclesiastes6


1 There is an evil which I have seen un­der the sun, and it is com­mon among men: 2 A man to whom God hath giv­en rich­es, wealth, and hon­our, so that he wan­teth noth­ing for his soul of all that he de­sireth, yet God giveth him not pow­er to eat there­of, but a stranger eateth it: this is van­i­ty, and it is an evil dis­ease. 3 If a man beget an hun­dred children, and live many years, so that the days of his years be many, and his soul be not filled with good, and also that he have no buri­al; I say, that an un­time­ly birth is bet­ter than he. 4 For he cometh in with van­i­ty, and de­parteth in dark­ness, and his name shall be cov­ered with dark­ness. 5 More­over he hath not seen the sun, nor known any thing: this hath more rest than the oth­er. 6 Yea, though he live a thou­sand years twice told, yet hath he seen no good: do not all go to one place? 7 All the labour of man is for his mouth, and yet the ap­petite is not filled. 8 For what hath the wise more than the fool? what hath the poor, that knoweth to walk be­fore the liv­ing? 9 Bet­ter is the sight of the eyes than the wan­der­ing of the de­sire: this is also van­i­ty and vex­a­tion of spir­it. 10 That which hath been is named al­ready, and it is known that it is man: nei­ther may he con­tend with him that is might­i­er than he. 11 See­ing there be many things that in­crease van­i­ty, what is man the bet­ter? 12 For who knoweth what is good for man in this life, all the days of his vain life which he spendeth as a shad­ow? for who can tell a man what shall be af­ter him un­der the sun?