King James Version2 Corinthians5,11

2 Corinthians 5:11

Know­ing there­fore the ter­ror of the Lord, we per­suade men; but we are made man­i­fest unto God; and I trust also are made man­i­fest in your con­sciences.

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10 For we must all ap­pear be­fore the judg­ment seat of Christ; that ev­ery one may re­ceive the things done in his body, ac­cord­ing to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad. 11 Know­ing there­fore the ter­ror of the Lord, we per­suade men; but we are made man­i­fest unto God; and I trust also are made man­i­fest in your con­sciences. 12 For we com­mend not our­selves again unto you, but give you oc­ca­sion to glo­ry on our be­half, that ye may have some­what to answer them which glo­ry in ap­pear­ance, and not in heart.

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Príbuzné preklady King James Version

11 Know­ing there­fore the ter­ror of the Lord, we per­suade men; but we are made man­i­fest unto God; and I trust also are made man­i­fest in your con­sciences.