King James VersionRevelation8,3

Revelation 8:3

And an­oth­er an­gel came and stood at the al­tar, hav­ing a gold­en censer; and there was giv­en unto him much in­cense, that he should of­fer it with the prayers of all saints upon the gold­en al­tar which was be­fore the throne.

Verš v kontexte

2 And I saw the sev­en an­gels which stood be­fore God; and to them were giv­en sev­en trum­pets. 3 And an­oth­er an­gel came and stood at the al­tar, hav­ing a gold­en censer; and there was giv­en unto him much in­cense, that he should of­fer it with the prayers of all saints upon the gold­en al­tar which was be­fore the throne. 4 And the smoke of the in­cense, which came with the prayers of the saints, as­cend­ed up be­fore God out of the angel's hand.

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Príbuzné preklady King James Version

3 And an­oth­er an­gel came and stood at the al­tar, hav­ing a gold­en censer; and there was giv­en unto him much in­cense, that he should of­fer it with the prayers of all saints upon the gold­en al­tar which was be­fore the throne.