King James VersionRevelation11,12

Revelation 11:12

And they heard a great voice from heav­en say­ing unto them, Come up hith­er. And they as­cend­ed up to heav­en in a cloud; and their en­e­mies be­held them.

Verš v kontexte

11 And af­ter three days and an half the Spir­it of life from God en­tered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them. 12 And they heard a great voice from heav­en say­ing unto them, Come up hith­er. And they as­cend­ed up to heav­en in a cloud; and their en­e­mies be­held them. 13 And the same hour was there a great earth­quake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earth­quake were slain of men sev­en thou­sand: and the rem­nant were af­fright­ed, and gave glo­ry to the God of heav­en.

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Príbuzné preklady King James Version

12 And they heard a great voice from heav­en say­ing unto them, Come up hith­er. And they as­cend­ed up to heav­en in a cloud; and their en­e­mies be­held them.