King James VersionNumbers24


1 And when Bal­aam saw that it pleased the LORD to bless Is­rael, he went not, as at oth­er times, to seek for en­chant­ments, but he set his face to­ward the wilder­ness. 2 And Bal­aam lift­ed up his eyes, and he saw Is­rael abid­ing in his tents ac­cord­ing to their tribes; and the spir­it of God came upon him. 3 And he took up his para­ble, and said, Bal­aam the son of Beor hath said, and the man whose eyes are open hath said: 4 He hath said, which heard the words of God, which saw the vi­sion of the Almighty, falling in­to a trance, but hav­ing his eyes open: 5 How good­ly are thy tents, O Ja­cob, and thy taber­na­cles, O Is­rael! 6 As the val­leys are they spread forth, as gar­dens by the river's side, as the trees of lign aloes which the LORD hath plant­ed, and as cedar trees be­side the wa­ters. 7 He shall pour the wa­ter out of his buck­ets, and his seed shall be in many wa­ters, and his king shall be high­er than Agag, and his king­dom shall be ex­alt­ed. 8 God brought him forth out of Egypt; he hath as it were the strength of an uni­corn: he shall eat up the na­tions his en­e­mies, and shall break their bones, and pierce them through with his ar­rows. 9 He couched, he lay down as a li­on, and as a great li­on: who shall stir him up? Blessed is he that bles­seth thee, and cursed is he that curseth thee. 10 And Balak's anger was kin­dled against Bal­aam, and he smote his hands to­geth­er: and Bal­ak said unto Bal­aam, I called thee to curse mine en­e­mies, and, be­hold, thou hast al­to­geth­er blessed them these three times. 11 There­fore now flee thou to thy place: I thought to pro­mote thee unto great hon­our; but, lo, the LORD hath kept thee back from hon­our. 12 And Bal­aam said unto Bal­ak, Spake I not also to thy mes­sen­gers which thou sen­test unto me, say­ing, 13 If Bal­ak would give me his house full of sil­ver and gold, I can­not go be­yond the com­mand­ment of the LORD, to do either good or bad of mine own mind; but what the LORD saith, that will I speak? 14 And now, be­hold, I go unto my peo­ple: come there­fore, and I will ad­ver­tise thee what this peo­ple shall do to thy peo­ple in the lat­ter days. 15 And he took up his para­ble, and said, Bal­aam the son of Beor hath said, and the man whose eyes are open hath said: 16 He hath said, which heard the words of God, and knew the knowl­edge of the most High, which saw the vi­sion of the Almighty, falling in­to a trance, but hav­ing his eyes open: 17 I shall see him, but not now: I shall be­hold him, but not nigh: there shall come a Star out of Ja­cob, and a Scep­tre shall rise out of Is­rael, and shall smite the cor­ners of Moab, and de­stroy all the chil­dren of Sheth. 18 And Edom shall be a pos­ses­sion, Seir also shall be a pos­ses­sion for his en­e­mies; and Is­rael shall do valiant­ly. 19 Out of Ja­cob shall come he that shall have do­min­ion, and shall de­stroy him that re­maineth of the city. 20 And when he looked on Amalek, he took up his para­ble, and said, Amalek was the first of the na­tions; but his lat­ter end shall be that he per­ish for ev­er. 21 And he looked on the Ken­ites, and took up his para­ble, and said, Strong is thy dwelling­place, and thou puttest thy nest in a rock. 22 Nev­er­the­less the Ken­ite shall be wast­ed, un­til Asshur shall car­ry thee away cap­tive. 23 And he took up his para­ble, and said, Alas, who shall live when God doeth this! 24 And ships shall come from the coast of Chit­tim, and shall af­flict Asshur, and shall af­flict Eber, and he also shall per­ish for ev­er. 25 And Bal­aam rose up, and went and re­turned to his place: and Bal­ak also went his way.