King James VersionNahum2


1 He that dasheth in pieces is come up be­fore thy face: keep the mu­ni­tion, watch the way, make thy loins strong, for­ti­fy thy pow­er might­i­ly. 2 For the LORD hath turned away the ex­cel­len­cy of Ja­cob, as the ex­cel­len­cy of Is­rael: for the emp­tiers have emp­tied them out, and marred their vine branch­es. 3 The shield of his mighty men is made red, the valiant men are in scar­let: the char­i­ots shall be with flam­ing torch­es in the day of his prepa­ra­tion, and the fir trees shall be ter­ri­bly shak­en. 4 The char­i­ots shall rage in the streets, they shall jus­tle one against an­oth­er in the broad ways: they shall seem like torch­es, they shall run like the light­nings. 5 He shall re­count his wor­thies: they shall stum­ble in their walk; they shall make haste to the wall there­of, and the de­fence shall be pre­pared. 6 The gates of the rivers shall be opened, and the palace shall be dis­solved. 7 And Huz­z­ab shall be led away cap­tive, she shall be brought up, and her maids shall lead her as with the voice of doves, taber­ing upon their breasts. 8 But Nin­eveh is of old like a pool of wa­ter: yet they shall flee away. Stand, stand, shall they cry; but none shall look back. 9 Take ye the spoil of sil­ver, take the spoil of gold: for there is none end of the store and glo­ry out of all the pleas­ant fur­ni­ture. 10 She is emp­ty, and void, and waste: and the heart melteth, and the knees smite to­geth­er, and much pain is in all loins, and the faces of them all gath­er black­ness. 11 Where is the dwelling of the li­ons, and the feed­ing­place of the young li­ons, where the li­on, even the old li­on, walked, and the lion's whelp, and none made them afraid? 12 The lion did tear in pieces enough for his whelps, and stran­gled for his li­oness­es, and filled his holes with prey, and his dens with ravin. 13 Be­hold, I am against thee, saith the LORD of hosts, and I will burn her char­i­ots in the smoke, and the sword shall de­vour thy young li­ons: and I will cut off thy prey from the earth, and the voice of thy mes­sen­gers shall no more be heard.