King James VersionJob4


1 Then Elip­haz the Te­man­ite an­swered and said, 2 If we as­say to com­mune with thee, wilt thou be grieved? but who can with­hold him­self from speak­ing? 3 Be­hold, thou hast in­struct­ed many, and thou hast strength­ened the weak hands. 4 Thy words have up­hold­en him that was falling, and thou hast strength­ened the fee­ble knees. 5 But now it is come upon thee, and thou faintest; it toucheth thee, and thou art trou­bled. 6 Is not this thy fear, thy con­fi­dence, thy hope, and the up­right­ness of thy ways? 7 Re­mem­ber, I pray thee, who ever per­ished, be­ing in­no­cent? or where were the righ­teous cut off? 8 Even as I have seen, they that plow in­iq­ui­ty, and sow wicked­ness, reap the same. 9 By the blast of God they per­ish, and by the breath of his nos­trils are they con­sumed. 10 The roar­ing of the li­on, and the voice of the fierce li­on, and the teeth of the young li­ons, are bro­ken. 11 The old lion per­isheth for lack of prey, and the stout lion's whelps are scat­tered abroad. 12 Now a thing was se­cret­ly brought to me, and mine ear re­ceived a lit­tle there­of. 13 In thoughts from the vi­sions of the night, when deep sleep fal­l­eth on men, 14 Fear came upon me, and trem­bling, which made all my bones to shake. 15 Then a spir­it passed be­fore my face; the hair of my flesh stood up: 16 It stood still, but I could not dis­cern the form there­of: an im­age was be­fore mine eyes, there was si­lence, and I heard a voice, saying, 17 Shall mor­tal man be more just than God? shall a man be more pure than his mak­er? 18 Be­hold, he put no trust in his ser­vants; and his an­gels he charged with fol­ly: 19 How much less in them that dwell in hous­es of clay, whose foun­da­tion is in the dust, which are crushed be­fore the moth? 20 They are de­stroyed from morn­ing to evening: they per­ish for ever with­out any re­gard­ing it. 21 Doth not their ex­cel­len­cy which is in them go away? they die, even with­out wis­dom.