King James VersionGenesis16


1 Now Sarai Abram's wife bare him no chil­dren: and she had an hand­maid, an Egyp­tian, whose name was Ha­gar. 2 And Sarai said unto Abram, Be­hold now, the LORD hath re­strained me from bear­ing: I pray thee, go in unto my maid; it may be that I may ob­tain chil­dren by her. And Abram hear­kened to the voice of Sarai. 3 And Sarai Abram's wife took Ha­gar her maid the Egyp­tian, af­ter Abram had dwelt ten years in the land of Canaan, and gave her to her hus­band Abram to be his wife. 4 And he went in unto Ha­gar, and she con­ceived: and when she saw that she had con­ceived, her mis­tress was de­spised in her eyes. 5 And Sarai said unto Abram, My wrong be upon thee: I have giv­en my maid into thy bo­som; and when she saw that she had con­ceived, I was de­spised in her eyes: the LORD judge be­tween me and thee. 6 But Abram said unto Sarai, Be­hold, thy maid is in thy hand; do to her as it pleaseth thee. And when Sarai dealt hard­ly with her, she fled from her face. 7 And the an­gel of the LORD found her by a foun­tain of wa­ter in the wilder­ness, by the foun­tain in the way to Shur. 8 And he said, Ha­gar, Sarai's maid, whence camest thou? and whith­er wilt thou go? And she said, I flee from the face of my mis­tress Sarai. 9 And the an­gel of the LORD said unto her, Re­turn to thy mis­tress, and sub­mit thy­self un­der her hands. 10 And the an­gel of the LORD said unto her, I will mul­ti­ply thy seed ex­ceed­ing­ly, that it shall not be num­bered for mul­ti­tude. 11 And the an­gel of the LORD said unto her, Be­hold, thou art with child, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ish­mael; be­cause the LORD hath heard thy af­flic­tion. 12 And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against ev­ery man, and ev­ery man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the pres­ence of all his brethren. 13 And she called the name of the LORD that spake unto her, Thou God seest me: for she said, Have I also here looked af­ter him that seeth me? 14 Where­fore the well was called Beer­la­hairoi; be­hold, it is be­tween Kadesh and Bered. 15 And Ha­gar bare Abram a son: and Abram called his son's name, which Ha­gar bare, Ish­mael. 16 And Abram was fourscore and six years old, when Ha­gar bare Ish­mael to Abram.