King James VersionEzekiel40


1 In the five and twen­ti­eth year of our cap­tiv­i­ty, in the be­gin­ning of the year, in the tenth day of the month, in the four­teenth year af­ter that the city was smit­ten, in the self­same day the hand of the LORD was upon me, and brought me thith­er. 2 In the vi­sions of God brought he me into the land of Is­rael, and set me upon a very high moun­tain, by which was as the frame of a city on the south. 3 And he brought me thith­er, and, be­hold, there was a man, whose ap­pear­ance was like the ap­pear­ance of brass, with a line of flax in his hand, and a mea­sur­ing reed; and he stood in the gate. 4 And the man said unto me, Son of man, be­hold with thine eyes, and hear with thine ears, and set thine heart upon all that I shall shew thee; for to the in­tent that I might shew them unto thee art thou brought hith­er: de­clare all that thou seest to the house of Is­rael. 5 And be­hold a wall on the out­side of the house round about, and in the man's hand a mea­sur­ing reed of six cu­bits long by the cu­bit and an hand breadth: so he mea­sured the breadth of the build­ing, one reed; and the height, one reed. 6 Then came he unto the gate which looketh to­ward the east, and went up the stairs there­of, and mea­sured the thresh­old of the gate, which was one reed broad; and the oth­er thresh­old of the gate, which was one reed broad. 7 And every lit­tle cham­ber was one reed long, and one reed broad; and be­tween the lit­tle cham­bers were five cu­bits; and the thresh­old of the gate by the porch of the gate with­in was one reed. 8 He mea­sured also the porch of the gate with­in, one reed. 9 Then mea­sured he the porch of the gate, eight cu­bits; and the posts there­of, two cu­bits; and the porch of the gate was in­ward. 10 And the lit­tle cham­bers of the gate east­ward were three on this side, and three on that side; they three were of one mea­sure: and the posts had one mea­sure on this side and on that side. 11 And he mea­sured the breadth of the en­try of the gate, ten cu­bits; and the length of the gate, thir­teen cu­bits. 12 The space also be­fore the lit­tle cham­bers was one cu­bit on this side, and the space was one cu­bit on that side: and the lit­tle cham­bers were six cu­bits on this side, and six cu­bits on that side. 13 He mea­sured then the gate from the roof of one lit­tle cham­ber to the roof of an­oth­er: the breadth was five and twen­ty cu­bits, door against door. 14 He made also posts of three­score cu­bits, even unto the post of the court round about the gate. 15 And from the face of the gate of the en­trance unto the face of the porch of the in­ner gate were fifty cu­bits. 16 And there were nar­row win­dows to the lit­tle cham­bers, and to their posts with­in the gate round about, and like­wise to the arch­es: and win­dows were round about in­ward: and upon each post were palm trees. 17 Then brought he me into the out­ward court, and, lo, there were cham­bers, and a pave­ment made for the court round about: thir­ty cham­bers were upon the pave­ment. 18 And the pave­ment by the side of the gates over against the length of the gates was the low­er pave­ment. 19 Then he mea­sured the breadth from the fore­front of the low­er gate unto the fore­front of the in­ner court with­out, an hun­dred cu­bits east­ward and north­ward. 20 And the gate of the out­ward court that looked to­ward the north, he mea­sured the length there­of, and the breadth there­of. 21 And the lit­tle cham­bers there­of were three on this side and three on that side; and the posts there­of and the arch­es there­of were af­ter the mea­sure of the first gate: the length there­of was fifty cu­bits, and the breadth five and twen­ty cu­bits. 22 And their win­dows, and their arch­es, and their palm trees, were af­ter the mea­sure of the gate that looketh to­ward the east; and they went up unto it by sev­en steps; and the arch­es there­of were be­fore them. 23 And the gate of the in­ner court was over against the gate to­ward the north, and to­ward the east; and he mea­sured from gate to gate an hun­dred cu­bits. 24 Af­ter that he brought me to­ward the south, and be­hold a gate to­ward the south: and he mea­sured the posts there­of and the arch­es there­of ac­cord­ing to these mea­sures. 25 And there were win­dows in it and in the arch­es there­of round about, like those win­dows: the length was fifty cu­bits, and the breadth five and twen­ty cu­bits. 26 And there were sev­en steps to go up to it, and the arch­es there­of were be­fore them: and it had palm trees, one on this side, and an­oth­er on that side, upon the posts there­of. 27 And there was a gate in the in­ner court to­ward the south: and he mea­sured from gate to gate to­ward the south an hun­dred cu­bits. 28 And he brought me to the in­ner court by the south gate: and he mea­sured the south gate ac­cord­ing to these mea­sures; 29 And the lit­tle cham­bers there­of, and the posts there­of, and the arch­es there­of, ac­cord­ing to these mea­sures: and there were win­dows in it and in the arch­es there­of round about: it was fifty cu­bits long, and five and twen­ty cu­bits broad. 30 And the arch­es round about were five and twen­ty cu­bits long, and five cu­bits broad. 31 And the arch­es there­of were to­ward the ut­ter court; and palm trees were upon the posts there­of: and the go­ing up to it had eight steps. 32 And he brought me into the in­ner court to­ward the east: and he mea­sured the gate ac­cord­ing to these mea­sures. 33 And the lit­tle cham­bers there­of, and the posts there­of, and the arch­es there­of, were ac­cord­ing to these mea­sures: and there were win­dows there­in and in the arch­es there­of round about: it was fifty cu­bits long, and five and twen­ty cu­bits broad. 34 And the arch­es there­of were to­ward the out­ward court; and palm trees were upon the posts there­of, on this side, and on that side: and the go­ing up to it had eight steps. 35 And he brought me to the north gate, and mea­sured it ac­cord­ing to these mea­sures; 36 The lit­tle cham­bers there­of, the posts there­of, and the arch­es there­of, and the win­dows to it round about: the length was fifty cu­bits, and the breadth five and twen­ty cu­bits. 37 And the posts there­of were to­ward the ut­ter court; and palm trees were upon the posts there­of, on this side, and on that side: and the go­ing up to it had eight steps. 38 And the cham­bers and the en­tries there­of were by the posts of the gates, where they washed the burnt of­fer­ing. 39 And in the porch of the gate were two ta­bles on this side, and two ta­bles on that side, to slay there­on the burnt of­fer­ing and the sin of­fer­ing and the tres­pass of­fer­ing. 40 And at the side with­out, as one goeth up to the en­try of the north gate, were two ta­bles; and on the oth­er side, which was at the porch of the gate, were two ta­bles. 41 Four ta­bles were on this side, and four ta­bles on that side, by the side of the gate; eight ta­bles, where­upon they slew their sacrifices. 42 And the four ta­bles were of hewn stone for the burnt of­fer­ing, of a cu­bit and an half long, and a cu­bit and an half broad, and one cu­bit high: where­upon also they laid the in­stru­ments where­with they slew the burnt of­fer­ing and the sac­ri­fice. 43 And with­in were hooks, an hand broad, fas­tened round about: and upon the ta­bles was the flesh of the of­fer­ing. 44 And with­out the in­ner gate were the cham­bers of the singers in the in­ner court, which was at the side of the north gate; and their prospect was to­ward the south: one at the side of the east gate having the prospect to­ward the north. 45 And he said unto me, This cham­ber, whose prospect is to­ward the south, is for the priests, the keep­ers of the charge of the house. 46 And the cham­ber whose prospect is to­ward the north is for the priests, the keep­ers of the charge of the al­tar: these are the sons of Zadok among the sons of Levi, which come near to the LORD to min­is­ter unto him. 47 So he mea­sured the court, an hun­dred cu­bits long, and an hun­dred cu­bits broad, foursquare; and the al­tar that was be­fore the house. 48 And he brought me to the porch of the house, and mea­sured each post of the porch, five cu­bits on this side, and five cu­bits on that side: and the breadth of the gate was three cu­bits on this side, and three cu­bits on that side. 49 The length of the porch was twen­ty cu­bits, and the breadth eleven cu­bits; and he brought me by the steps where­by they went up to it: and there were pil­lars by the posts, one on this side, and an­oth­er on that side.