King James VersionExodus4


1 And Moses an­swered and said, But, be­hold, they will not be­lieve me, nor hear­ken unto my voice: for they will say, The LORD hath not ap­peared unto thee. 2 And the LORD said unto him, What is that in thine hand? And he said, A rod. 3 And he said, Cast it on the ground. And he cast it on the ground, and it be­came a ser­pent; and Moses fled from be­fore it. 4 And the LORD said unto Moses, Put forth thine hand, and take it by the tail. And he put forth his hand, and caught it, and it be­came a rod in his hand: 5 That they may be­lieve that the LORD God of their fa­thers, the God of Abra­ham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Ja­cob, hath ap­peared unto thee. 6 And the LORD said fur­ther­more unto him, Put now thine hand into thy bo­som. And he put his hand into his bo­som: and when he took it out, be­hold, his hand was lep­rous as snow. 7 And he said, Put thine hand into thy bo­som again. And he put his hand into his bo­som again; and plucked it out of his bo­som, and, be­hold, it was turned again as his other flesh. 8 And it shall come to pass, if they will not be­lieve thee, nei­ther hear­ken to the voice of the first sign, that they will be­lieve the voice of the lat­ter sign. 9 And it shall come to pass, if they will not be­lieve also these two signs, nei­ther hear­ken unto thy voice, that thou shalt take of the wa­ter of the riv­er, and pour it upon the dry land: and the wa­ter which thou tak­est out of the riv­er shall be­come blood upon the dry land. 10 And Moses said unto the LORD, O my Lord, I am not elo­quent, nei­ther hereto­fore, nor since thou hast spo­ken unto thy ser­vant: but I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue. 11 And the LORD said unto him, Who hath made man's mouth? or who maketh the dumb, or deaf, or the see­ing, or the blind? have not I the LORD? 12 Now there­fore go, and I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say. 13 And he said, O my Lord, send, I pray thee, by the hand of him whom thou wilt send. 14 And the anger of the LORD was kin­dled against Moses, and he said, Is not Aaron the Levite thy broth­er? I know that he can speak well. And al­so, be­hold, he cometh forth to meet thee: and when he seeth thee, he will be glad in his heart. 15 And thou shalt speak unto him, and put words in his mouth: and I will be with thy mouth, and with his mouth, and will teach you what ye shall do. 16 And he shall be thy spokesman unto the peo­ple: and he shall be, even he shall be to thee in­stead of a mouth, and thou shalt be to him in­stead of God. 17 And thou shalt take this rod in thine hand, where­with thou shalt do signs. 18 And Moses went and re­turned to Jethro his fa­ther in law, and said unto him, Let me go, I pray thee, and re­turn unto my brethren which are in Egypt, and see whether they be yet alive. And Jethro said to Moses, Go in peace. 19 And the LORD said unto Moses in Mid­i­an, Go, re­turn into Egypt: for all the men are dead which sought thy life. 20 And Moses took his wife and his sons, and set them upon an ass, and he re­turned to the land of Egypt: and Moses took the rod of God in his hand. 21 And the LORD said unto Moses, When thou goest to re­turn into Egypt, see that thou do all those won­ders be­fore Pharaoh, which I have put in thine hand: but I will hard­en his heart, that he shall not let the peo­ple go. 22 And thou shalt say unto Pharaoh, Thus saith the LORD, Is­rael is my son, even my first­born: 23 And I say unto thee, Let my son go, that he may serve me: and if thou refuse to let him go, be­hold, I will slay thy son, even thy first­born. 24 And it came to pass by the way in the inn, that the LORD met him, and sought to kill him. 25 Then Zip­po­rah took a sharp stone, and cut off the fore­skin of her son, and cast it at his feet, and said, Sure­ly a bloody hus­band art thou to me. 26 So he let him go: then she said, A bloody hus­band thou art, be­cause of the cir­cum­ci­sion. 27 And the LORD said to Aaron, Go into the wilder­ness to meet Moses. And he went, and met him in the mount of God, and kissed him. 28 And Moses told Aaron all the words of the LORD who had sent him, and all the signs which he had com­mand­ed him. 29 And Moses and Aaron went and gath­ered to­geth­er all the el­ders of the chil­dren of Is­rael: 30 And Aaron spake all the words which the LORD had spo­ken unto Moses, and did the signs in the sight of the peo­ple. 31 And the peo­ple be­lieved: and when they heard that the LORD had vis­it­ed the chil­dren of Is­rael, and that he had looked upon their af­flic­tion, then they bowed their heads and wor­shipped.