King James Version2 Chronicles17

2 Chronicles

1 And Je­hoshaphat his son reigned in his stead, and strength­ened him­self against Is­rael. 2 And he placed forces in all the fenced cities of Ju­dah, and set gar­risons in the land of Ju­dah, and in the cities of Ephraim, which Asa his fa­ther had tak­en. 3 And the LORD was with Je­hoshaphat, be­cause he walked in the first ways of his fa­ther David, and sought not unto Baal­im; 4 But sought to the LORD God of his fa­ther, and walked in his com­mand­ments, and not af­ter the do­ings of Is­rael. 5 There­fore the LORD sta­b­lished the king­dom in his hand; and all Ju­dah brought to Je­hoshaphat pre­sents; and he had rich­es and hon­our in abun­dance. 6 And his heart was lift­ed up in the ways of the LORD: more­over he took away the high places and groves out of Ju­dah. 7 Also in the third year of his reign he sent to his princes, even to Ben­hail, and to Oba­di­ah, and to Zechari­ah, and to Netha­neel, and to Micha­iah, to teach in the cities of Ju­dah. 8 And with them he sent Levites, even She­ma­iah, and Netha­ni­ah, and Ze­ba­di­ah, and Asa­hel, and Shemi­ramoth, and Je­honathan, and Adoni­jah, and To­bi­jah, and To­badoni­jah, Levites; and with them El­ishama and Je­ho­ram, priests. 9 And they taught in Ju­dah, and had the book of the law of the LORD with them, and went about through­out all the cities of Ju­dah, and taught the peo­ple. 10 And the fear of the LORD fell upon all the king­doms of the lands that were round about Ju­dah, so that they made no war against Je­hoshaphat. 11 Also some of the Philistines brought Je­hoshaphat pre­sents, and trib­ute sil­ver; and the Ara­bi­ans brought him flocks, sev­en thou­sand and sev­en hun­dred rams, and sev­en thou­sand and sev­en hun­dred he goats. 12 And Je­hoshaphat waxed great ex­ceed­ing­ly; and he built in Ju­dah cas­tles, and cities of store. 13 And he had much busi­ness in the cities of Ju­dah: and the men of war, mighty men of val­our, were in Jerusalem. 14 And these are the num­bers of them ac­cord­ing to the house of their fa­thers: Of Ju­dah, the cap­tains of thou­sands; Ad­nah the chief, and with him mighty men of val­our three hun­dred thou­sand. 15 And next to him was Je­ho­hanan the cap­tain, and with him two hun­dred and fourscore thou­sand. 16 And next him was Amasi­ah the son of Zichri, who will­ing­ly of­fered him­self unto the LORD; and with him two hun­dred thou­sand mighty men of val­our. 17 And of Ben­jamin; Eli­a­da a mighty man of val­our, and with him armed men with bow and shield two hun­dred thou­sand. 18 And next him was Je­hoz­abad, and with him an hun­dred and fourscore thou­sand ready pre­pared for the war. 19 These wait­ed on the king, be­side those whom the king put in the fenced cities through­out all Ju­dah.