King James Version1 Timothy5

1 Timothy

1 Re­buke not an el­der, but in­treat him as a fa­ther; and the younger men as brethren; 2 The el­der wom­en as moth­ers; the younger as sis­ters, with all pu­ri­ty. 3 Hon­our wid­ows that are wid­ows in­deed. 4 But if any wid­ow have chil­dren or nephews, let them learn first to shew piety at home, and to re­quite their par­ents: for that is good and ac­cept­able be­fore God. 5 Now she that is a wid­ow in­deed, and des­o­late, trusteth in God, and con­tin­ueth in sup­pli­ca­tions and prayers night and day. 6 But she that liveth in plea­sure is dead while she liveth. 7 And these things give in charge, that they may be blame­less. 8 But if any pro­vide not for his own, and spe­cial­ly for those of his own house, he hath de­nied the faith, and is worse than an in­fi­del. 9 Let not a wid­ow be tak­en into the num­ber un­der three­score years old, hav­ing been the wife of one man, 10 Well re­port­ed of for good works; if she have brought up chil­dren, if she have lodged strangers, if she have washed the saints' feet, if she have re­lieved the af­flict­ed, if she have dili­gent­ly fol­lowed ev­ery good work. 11 But the younger wid­ows refuse: for when they have be­gun to wax wan­ton against Christ, they will mar­ry; 12 Hav­ing damna­tion, be­cause they have cast off their first faith. 13 And with­al they learn ­to be idle, wan­der­ing about from house to house; and not only idle, but tat­tlers also and busy­bod­ies, speak­ing things which they ought not. 14 I will there­fore that the younger wom­en mar­ry, bear chil­dren, guide the house, give none oc­ca­sion to the ad­ver­sary to speak re­proach­ful­ly. 15 For some are al­ready turned aside af­ter Sa­tan. 16 If any man or wom­an that be­lieveth have wid­ows, let them re­lieve them, and let not the church be charged; that it may re­lieve them that are wid­ows in­deed. 17 Let the el­ders that rule well be count­ed wor­thy of dou­ble hon­our, es­pe­cial­ly they who labour in the word and doc­trine. 18 For the scrip­ture saith, Thou shalt not muz­zle the ox that tread­eth out the corn. And, The labour­er is wor­thy of his re­ward. 19 Against an el­der re­ceive not an ac­cu­sa­tion, but be­fore two or three wit­ness­es. 20 Them that sin re­buke be­fore all, that oth­ers also may fear. 21 I charge thee be­fore God, and the Lord Je­sus Christ, and the elect an­gels, that thou ob­serve these things with­out pre­fer­ring one be­fore an­oth­er, do­ing noth­ing by par­tial­i­ty. 22 Lay hands sud­den­ly on no man, nei­ther be par­tak­er of oth­er men's sins: keep thy­self pure. 23 Drink no longer wa­ter, but use a lit­tle wine for thy stomach's sake and thine of­ten in­fir­mi­ties. 24 Some men's sins are open be­fore­hand, go­ing be­fore to judg­ment; and some men they fol­low af­ter. 25 Like­wise also the good works of some are man­i­fest be­fore­hand; and they that are oth­er­wise can­not be hid.