King James Version1 Timothy4

1 Timothy

1 Now the Spir­it speaketh ex­press­ly, that in the lat­ter times some shall de­part from the faith, giv­ing heed to se­duc­ing spir­its, and doc­trines of dev­ils; 2 Speak­ing lies in hypocrisy; hav­ing their con­science seared with a hot iron; 3 For­bid­ding to mar­ry, and commanding to ab­stain from meats, which God hath cre­at­ed to be re­ceived with thanks­giv­ing of them which be­lieve and know the truth. 4 For ev­ery crea­ture of God is good, and noth­ing to be re­fused, if it be re­ceived with thanks­giv­ing: 5 For it is sanc­ti­fied by the word of God and prayer. 6 If thou put the brethren in re­mem­brance of these things, thou shalt be a good min­is­ter of Je­sus Christ, nour­ished up in the words of faith and of good doc­trine, where­un­to thou hast at­tained. 7 But refuse pro­fane and old wives' fa­bles, and ex­er­cise thy­self rather unto god­li­ness. 8 For bod­i­ly ex­er­cise prof­iteth lit­tle: but god­li­ness is prof­itable unto all things, hav­ing promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come. 9 This is a faith­ful say­ing and wor­thy of all ac­cep­ta­tion. 10 For there­fore we both labour and suf­fer re­proach, be­cause we trust in the liv­ing God, who is the Saviour of all men, spe­cial­ly of those that be­lieve. 11 These things com­mand and teach. 12 Let no man de­spise thy youth; but be thou an ex­am­ple of the be­liev­ers, in word, in con­ver­sa­tion, in char­i­ty, in spir­it, in faith, in pu­ri­ty. 13 Till I come, give at­ten­dance to read­ing, to ex­hor­ta­tion, to doc­trine. 14 Ne­glect not the gift that is in thee, which was giv­en thee by prophe­cy, with the lay­ing on of the hands of the pres­bytery. 15 Med­i­tate upon these things; give thy­self whol­ly to them; that thy prof­it­ing may ap­pear to all. 16 Take heed unto thy­self, and unto the doc­trine; con­tin­ue in them: for in do­ing this thou shalt both save thy­self, and them that hear thee.