King James Version1 Corinthians2,14

1 Corinthians 2:14

But the nat­u­ral man re­ceiveth not the things of the Spir­it of God: for they are fool­ish­ness unto him: nei­ther can he know them, be­cause they are spir­i­tu­al­ly dis­cerned.

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13 Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wis­dom tea­cheth, but which the Holy Ghost tea­cheth; com­par­ing spir­i­tu­al things with spir­i­tu­al. 14 But the nat­u­ral man re­ceiveth not the things of the Spir­it of God: for they are fool­ish­ness unto him: nei­ther can he know them, be­cause they are spir­i­tu­al­ly dis­cerned. 15 But he that is spir­i­tu­al jud­geth all things, yet he him­self is judged of no man.

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Príbuzné preklady King James Version

14 But the nat­u­ral man re­ceiveth not the things of the Spir­it of God: for they are fool­ish­ness unto him: nei­ther can he know them, be­cause they are spir­i­tu­al­ly dis­cerned.