King James Version1 Corinthians15,40

1 Corinthians 15:40

There are also ce­les­tial bod­ies, and bod­ies ter­res­tri­al: but the glo­ry of the ce­les­tial is one, and the glory of the ter­res­tri­al is an­oth­er.

Verš v kontexte

39 All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, an­oth­er flesh of beasts, an­oth­er of fish­es, and an­oth­er of birds. 40 There are also ce­les­tial bod­ies, and bod­ies ter­res­tri­al: but the glo­ry of the ce­les­tial is one, and the glory of the ter­res­tri­al is an­oth­er. 41 There is one glo­ry of the sun, and an­oth­er glo­ry of the moon, and an­oth­er glo­ry of the stars: for one star dif­fer­eth from another star in glo­ry.

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Príbuzné preklady King James Version

40 There are also ce­les­tial bod­ies, and bod­ies ter­res­tri­al: but the glo­ry of the ce­les­tial is one, and the glory of the ter­res­tri­al is an­oth­er.